COST Trust,s Primary Health Centre and Charity Hospital is functioning at main centre. 15000 families has been benefitted from 25 villages every year through Hans Medical Services, Rural Health Centers, Nutritional Supplementary Food, Health and Hygienic Awareness Training, with supported by The Hans Foundation. 80-100 Patients are treated daily through Rural Primary health Centre. Currently we are searching support for running this project continually.
Through Mobile Clinic Health care Services delivered
Quality healthcare to remote rural and tribal communities covered 25000 population four blocks in 100 villages.
Mobile Clinic Medical Team consisted one Doctor, qualified and experiences Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Lab Technician deliver Primary care directly to their doorsteps in Rural and Tribal areas.
COST Trust’s educational programs are
Pre-School for the Age group 3-5 Years
Non-Formal Education for Non going School Children
Evening school for school going children
Dropouts children education
Target Groups : Underprivileged children under difficult situations Children of poorest of the parents, child Labour, children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, disabled children tribal and rural children especially emphasis is given on girl and women education, so that they and their families will get empowered.
More than 2500 underprivileged children have benefitted through this program.
Housing for underprivileged families: Basic and dignified housing for homeless poor to break the cycle of poverty with partnership support of SELAVIP Foundation
Impacts: 125 New Housing has been constructed for poorest families.
Health Care, Water & sanitation: We provide access to clean water, sanitation Health care and Awareness Raising.
Promoting economic empowerment of poor women through cattle rearing and income generation, skill / employment training equal rights and opportunities for a society free from gender discrimination and violence
Activities : Self-help Groups Train and organised tribal and rural women to form a federation network support. Counselling & Widows Support:
Help women in pathetic situation and provide nutritional supplement food support in Tribal and rural areas.
Providing Nutritional food for Hungary tribal families to create an able health future of the children and women.
Community food bank purely supported by our staff and well wishers of our organisation. Inviting more supporters for this cause urgently to support the starving families.
During the time of lockdown in India COST Trust were supported food material kits, Groceries, vegetables, Masks, Sanitizers, for daily wagers, migrant labours, tribal aged and diseased persons. Nutritional supplement were distributed for tribal families.
We have concentrated support for Transgenders in Dindigul District affected by COVID19 and also during the lockdown period.
Our aim to protection of environment we are planting 1200 tree saplings in 100 villages every year through children and youth associations.
Environmental awareness trainings are given to the women SHGs and farmers in regular basis by the guidance and reference of Leisa India Agriculture Newsletter from Bangalore. University experts are giving training for our target group such as climate change, environmental forestry protection, biodiversity etc. More Than 6000 people are gained through this programme.
In the critical time of natural calamities COST Trust has extend the medical and relief material support for the affected people. By the grant support of THF we were supplied flood relief material to the Cuddalore flood affected families.
Free medical camps were organised for 25 days in the affected villages. More than 5000 families were received relief material such as packed rice, grams, oils, mate, Thar mat, mosquito nets etc., More than 10000 people received medical support through our dedicated medical team.
Five Solar Street Lighting for Tribal Poor Villages has been established by the support of local parish. This initiative is being used for the children's education and protection of forest elephant attacks in these areas.
We have to plan establish and install new 375 Solar Home System for Tribal marginalized famines which has been constructed through COST TRUST.
Construction and maintenance of Charity Hospital
Construction and maintenance of charity international standard school for underprivileged children.
Construction and maintenance of charity old age home for senior citizens.
Human Peace Centre.
Health Project Concept for Grant support
Educational Project Concept for Grant Support
Children Project Concept for Grant Support
Women Project Concept for Grant Support
Solar House System for Tribal families.